Intelligent System
Making your data work for you
One-click Access to Historical medical records for faster Critical Decision Making
Making Your Data Smarter To Reduce Your Effort
Capture One Touch Medical Records With Voice To Text Conversion
Access Real-Time & Historical Data With One-click for service improvements
Helping you navigate new normal
Remote Consultation (Patient APP for Video Appointments)
Remote monitoring (cloud-based and device independent EMR)
Paperless vital record-keeping (Automated & Paperless treatment records)
Seamless and Simplified Care
SmartCare is your eReception (For Registration, Appointment Booking, and more)
Single Sign-on with all key module access from any device anywhere
Role base Access and Privileges with the simplified user interface
Secured Remote administration for service monitoring
End to End Integrated Platform
Easy navigation from one department to another department
Minimize reception footfall with increased business with Patient Self-service for self-registration, booking, and payments
Smarter and automated corporate and third party invoicing
Never miss any Admission to Discharge
Intuitive patient management with customized notifications